Quick recruitment: How we found 6 logistics specialists in just 7 days

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Quick recruitment: How we found 6 logistics specialists in just 7 days
New applicants in the logistics and transport sector

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Why is speed in the recruiting process crucial today?

Long recruiting processes? These can cost companies dearly in today's working world. At a time when competition for skilled workers is becoming increasingly fierce, rapidity It's not an option, it's a necessity. If you act slowly, you run the risk of losing qualified talent to the competition — often after just a few days.

Especially in the logistics sectorWhere time plays a central role, means every vacant position lost productivity and potentially missed orders. Applicants today expect quick processes and decisions — if your company takes too long, it not only leaves an unprofessional impression, but can also cost valuable manpower.

The result? More pressure on remaining employees, rising costs and a struggling employer image. Companies that do not speed up their recruiting processes not only lose talent, but also expose themselves to the risk of falling behind in the competition in the long term.

Hybrid recruiting: Efficient staffing through the right combination

In modern recruitment, it is crucial to combine multiple approaches to attract the best talent. Hybrid Recruiting, i.e. the combination of Social Recruiting, Premium job boards and Active Sourcing, offers you the ideal strategy to fill vacancies quickly and efficiently.

Social Recruiting makes it possible to address potential candidates where they are anyway — on social networks such as LinkedIn or Facebook. In this way, you can reach both active and passive applicants who are not actively looking for a job but could be open to new opportunities if addressed in a targeted manner.

Premium job boards offer a platform for targeted job advertisements and ensure that your ad is visible where qualified specialists are actively looking for new jobs. This increases the reach and quality of applicants.

Active Sourcing complements these approaches by proactively looking for suitable talent. The aim is to target specialists who are a perfect match for your job, even if they are not currently looking for it. Active sourcing is particularly valuable for specialized positions that require a specific qualification profile.

This combination allows you to maximize your reach and find the best talent — quickly, specifically and efficiently.

Active sourcing for specialized positions

When it comes to specialized positions goes into logistics, crafts or production, is Active Sourcing often the decisive factor for finding specifically qualified specialists. Competition for talent is particularly fierce in these industries, and many potential candidates are not actively looking for jobs. Active Sourcing offers the opportunity to search specifically for specialists who meet your specific requirements.

By proactively reaching out, often via professional networks or directly via databases, you can reach candidates who are a perfect match for your vacancy due to their qualifications — and that's before they enter the job market. This is particularly valuable for positions that require specialist knowledge, such as truck drivers with specific certificates or experienced warehouse logistics specialists.

ITL Logistics GmbH: 7-day placement case study

Die ITL Logistics GmbH was faced with the challenge of filling vacancies for truck drivers quickly so as not to jeopardize ongoing operations and important deliveries. The company turned to Simplejobs to speed up this process while finding qualified drivers that met specific requirements.


Due to the high shortage of skilled workers in the truck driver sector, ITL Logistics was confronted with long recruitment processes and vacant positions. This led to rising costs and the risk of not being able to meet delivery deadlines.


Simplejobs used a tailor-made Recruiting Strategy One that is based on a combination of Active Sourcing, Social Recruiting and the use of Premium job boards set. The company was actively supported by Simplejobs pre-selecting applicants to ensure that only suitable candidates were referred to ITL Logistics.


Within just 7 days ITL Logistics was able to successfully fill several vacancies. The targeted approach via various recruiting channels and rapid pre-selection ensured that operations could continue without major disruptions. ITL Logistics benefited from a fast, efficient and stress-free recruiting process that was tailored exactly to their needs.

Fast, targeted recruitment with Simplejobs

Vacant positions aren't just a problem — they can bring the entire company to a standstill. Simplejobs offers a solution that is not only fast, but also a perfect fit. We understand the specific requirements of every industry, from logistics to crafts, and provide you with qualified specialists before the pressure increases.

What makes us different from others? We don't just offer you applicants, we offer you a tailored recruiting experience, which simplifies and speeds up your internal processes:

  • full service: From pre-qualification to recruitment — we take care of everything.
  • Optimized efficiency: Your team is relieved because we pre-select the right candidates and present only the best.
  • Reliable speed: Vacancies are filled quickly without losing quality.

With Simplejobs, you not only reduce the time spent recruiting, but also ensure that your positions are filled with the right specialists — without stress and without delays. We are your reliable partner who helps you to achieve your personnel goals quickly and efficiently, while you can fully concentrate on your core business.

Secure your competitive advantage with Simplejobs now! Test us risk-free and success-based for 90 days.

Dina Glücker
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