Avoid mistakes during a job interview

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Avoid mistakes during a job interview
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How to master the job interview

By inviting you to a job interview, you've taken the first step. What counts now is to make a good impression on your potential employer in a personal conversation.

Prepare yourself well and have a friendly conversation that shows your skills and character. Show why you're a perfect fit for the advertised position and how you can help the company. With this approach, you lay the foundation for your interview success.

Targeted preparation for your future role

The right preparation is crucial in order to be convincing in a job interview. Start by learning everything about the company and the open position.

What are the values of the potential employer? What are the challenges? Make sure that you apply your professional knowledge in a targeted manner and explain how you can contribute to solving these problems. Thorough preparation shows not only your interest, but also your professionalism.

Include specific examples from your previous work in your preparation that underline your qualifications. Show that you are a good fit for the team not only professionally but also personally. This gives your potential employer a clear picture of why you're the ideal person for the position you're looking for.

Leave a positive impression with a personal conversation

In a personal conversation, the first impression often counts the most. Make sure you're friendly and open. A friendly smile and clear, self-confident body language help build trust and create the pleasant atmosphere that is important for a good conversation.

Show that you are up to the demands of the desired position. In addition to your professional knowledge, it is also crucial to emphasize personal strengths that make you an ideal addition to the team.

Make sure that you actively listen, show understanding and address details during the conversation that are of particular interest to the potential employer. This not only leaves a positive impression, but also shows that you are seriously interested in the position.

tip: Prepare one or two specific examples from your previous job, which show your practical successes and your ability to solve problems. In this way, you can clearly explain during the interview how you will overcome similar challenges in your new position. This gives your potential employer a direct insight into your practical competence and ability to make decisions.

Interview questions

Interview questions are more than just a courtesy — they offer you the chance to gain valuable information and at the same time strengthen your position as a potential candidate. These questions not only help you understand the company better, but also give the employer an insight into your thinking.

Why are these questions so important? Recruiters and managers pay close attention to how you design the interview. Your questions should show that you understand the structure and dynamics of the company and that you not only want to think passively but actively.

Here are a few Queries, which are strategically well placed:

●”Which projects are currently a priority?
→ In this way, you can find out what the company is focusing on and specifically address how you will make your contribution.


●”What does a successful start look like in the first six months?
→ This question shows that you want to be productive right away and are looking for clear expectations for success. At the same time, you will find out what will particularly help you during the training phase.


●”What learning and development opportunities do you offer?
→ This is a signal that not only is your current job important to you, but also how you can grow in the company in the long term. This impresses companies that value the development of their employees.


●”What are the challenges of collaboration between departments?
→ In this way, you show that company-wide collaboration is important to you, which is of great importance for modern, agile companies.

Such inquiries show that you are gaining deeper insights into how the company works and your future role. They help you to recognize potential stumbling blocks or opportunities at an early stage and to present yourself as a committed and forward-looking applicant.

Common interview mistakes for beginners and how to avoid them

A job interview is the opportunity to present yourself in the best possible way — but there are some classic mistakes that you should definitely avoid. With the right preparation, you can easily avoid these traps.

  1. Inadequate preparation: Many applicants come without in-depth research about the company or the open position. It looks like you're not really interested. Prepare yourself intensively by studying the company's website, researching current projects, and thinking about how you can contribute to solving challenges.
  2. No specific answers to questions about previous experiences: When asked about successes or challenges in the job, answers often remain superficial or inaccurate.
  3. Monologues or evasive answers: Avoid answering questions too long or evasively. Make sure you answer in a structured and clear way, and relate directly to the questions asked. This also applies to the telephone interview or the online job interview, where communication is sometimes more challenging.
  4. Unclear questions about the company: It is a big mistake not to ask questions. However, make sure that your questions aren't too general. Show genuine interest in the company and in the future role by asking specific and well-thought-out questions.
  5. Inappropriate behavior in testing procedures or stress questions: Sometimes companies use testing procedures or stress questions during the actual conversation to see how you react under pressure. In these moments, take time to think and remain calm. Your ability to stay clear and focused in stressful situations is a decisive factor.

You can avoid these mistakes if you prepare yourself well for the interview and pay attention to how you present yourself. With a clear plan and a confident appearance, you make a professional impression and avoid stumbling blocks on the way to the desired position.

After the interview: The next step to success

The interview is over — but the process doesn't end there. Now it's a matter of staying active. Follow-up is an important step: A short thank-you email shows your appreciation and keeps you in the memory of the future employer. Remind yourself what you particularly liked about the conversation and how you can create added value for the company.

Stay patient but interested. If you do not receive any feedback within the expected period, polite follow-up is useful. Continue to show professionalism and interest in the open position.

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Dina Glücker
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