What types of leadership styles are there? The overview for employers!

For employers
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Diana Tekue
Marketing Manager at Simplejobs | Recruiting Expert
What types of leadership styles are there? The overview for employers!
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As an employer, you are regularly faced with the challenge of not only ensuring the success of your company, but also effectively managing and motivating your employees.

The way you do this shapes the corporate culture and has a direct impact on the satisfaction and performance of your team. But which management style suits you and your company? In this article, we'll give you an overview of the most common leadership styles and show you how to find the right approach for you.

1. The authoritarian leadership style

At authoritarian leadership style The focus is on the manager and makes all decisions alone. This style is clearly structured and hierarchical. Instructions are given from top to bottom, and employees have little say.


  • Clear areas of responsibility and quick decision making.
  • Effective in crisis situations where rapid action is required.


  • Little room for creativity and personal initiative on the part of employees.
  • Can lead to frustration and lack of motivation in the team in the long run.

Who is it suitable for?
This management style is particularly suitable in industries or situations where a clear structure is required — for example in the military or in highly safety-oriented industries. Even in crisis situations, this management style can help you make quick and effective decisions.

2nd The cooperative management style

At cooperative management style, also known as a participatory management style, employees are involved in decision-making processes. There is open communication and the team is encouraged to contribute their own ideas and suggestions.


  • Encourages personal responsibility and motivation among employees.
  • Offers space for innovation and creative problem solutions.


  • Decision-making processes can take longer as consensus is sought.
  • In times of crisis or when making quick decisions, it may not be effective enough.

Who is it suitable for?
This management style is particularly suitable for companies that value innovation and prefer flat hierarchies. Start-ups or creative industries often benefit from this approach.

3rd The laissez-faire management style

The Laissez-faire management style is characterized by the fact that the manager withdraws strongly and gives employees a free hand. Decisions are largely made by employees themselves, and there is little to no direct control by management.


  • A high degree of freedom and flexibility for employees, which promotes personal responsibility and creativity.
  • Well suited for experienced teams that can work independently.


  • A lack of structure and leadership can lead to chaos and inefficiency.
  • Unclear responsibilities and lack of control can put a strain on team dynamics.

Who is it suitable for?
This management style works best in highly specialized teams with experienced specialists who work independently. This approach can be particularly fruitful in creative professions such as design, art or research.

4th The transformational leadership style

At transformational leadership style (also transformational leadership style) is about inspiring and motivating employees. The manager acts as a visionary who initiates change and commits the team to a common goal.


  • High level of motivation and identification with the company vision.
  • Encourages employee growth and creates a positive corporate culture.


  • Requires a charismatic and highly committed leader.
  • Not all employees respond positively to a highly emotional leadership approach.

Who is it suitable for?
This style is particularly suitable for companies in dynamic, rapidly changing industries. Leaders who have a strong vision for the future and who can inspire their employees to achieve big goals benefit from this style.

5th The transactional management style

The transactional management style is based on clear guidelines and target agreements. Rewards or sanctions are used to motivate employees. It is a type of “carrot and stick” approach that directly links employee performance to set goals.


  • Clear expectations and goals.
  • Effective for routine tasks or in structured work environments.


  • Little flexibility and room for innovation.
  • Employees could focus heavily on rewards and show less initiative.

Who is it suitable for?
This style makes sense in industries that require clear guidelines and a strong focus on results, for example in sales or production.

6th The situational management style

The situational management style adapts to the respective requirements and circumstances. Depending on the situation, the manager decides which style is most appropriate. This means that she can lead authoritatively, sometimes cooperatively or even laissez-faire.


  • High flexibility, as the management style is tailored to the respective situation and the needs of the employees.
  • Promotes tailor-made leadership that addresses team members individually.


  • Requires a high level of social intelligence and flexibility on the part of the manager.
  • Can be confusing for employees if the management style changes frequently.

Who is it suitable for?
This management style is suitable for managers who work in different areas or lead a very diverse team in which different skills and needs must be taken into account.

Conclusion: Which management style suits you?

Choosing the right leadership style depends heavily on your company, your goals, and the composition of your team. While authoritarian leadership can be effective in crisis situations, you may benefit more from a collaborative or transformational approach in the long term if you want to promote innovation and employee retention.

There is no “right” or “wrong” management style — The trick is to choose the right style for the respective situation and the team. What counts in the end is that as a manager you are able to motivate your employees, promote their talents and create a positive, productive work environment.

The right employees for the right management style:

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