Logistics & Transportation

The smart

The fastest

The effective

The simplest

recruiting for

Logistics & Transportation

Recruitment and headhunting for your industry: We will present you with qualified specialists within 7 days.

Payment only when discontinued

100% employee guarantee

Can be canceled at any time

500+ leading companies use Simplejobs

Do you recognise the following problems in your industry?

Bad experiences with expensive service providers

Many providers promise a lot and deliver little. Before we start a collaboration, we collect a data-based staffing probability.

Oversupply of ads on job boards

Everyone searches, no one finds. Medium-sized companies in particular are no longer looking through the many platforms and are lost in the jungle of job advertisements.

The quality and quantity of applicants is incorrect

Fewer applicants, even less quality. The few applications that are generated usually do not match the required job profile at all and the qualification ties up many resources of your HR department.

We're here to help!
recruitment of skilled workers

in just 7 days

Risk-free start

Guaranteed results

Persönliche Beratung

Effektive Mitarbeitergewinnung
durch unsere Branchenkenntnisse

Dina Glücker
Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

Offene Fragen? Wir beantworten sie gerne!

At Simplejobs, we understand the diverse requirements of the logistics industry.

Whether you are looking for an experienced freight forwarding agent for dispatching or a Driver with CE driver's license and ADR certificate for the transport of dangerous goods need - we have the right specialists for you.

Our experts cover all areas of modern logistics: From efficient warehouse logistics with just-in-time concepts to sophisticated route planning and fleet management. We recruit qualified employees for the freight and freight forwarding industry who can work flexibly in shift work and have relevant Additional qualifications such as a forklift license dispose of.

With our modular placement approach, we find the ideal candidate for every position in your company — regardless of whether for operational level or management. Rely on our many years of experience in recruitment for logistics.

So sieht erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit aus!

Rhenus Trucking GmbH & Co. KG Nord

Transport- und Logistikbranche

Rhenus Trucking GmbH & Co. KG Nord


kontaktierte Bewerber


vorgestellte Bewerber


erfolgreiche Einstellungen

Trinks GmbH

Getränke-Logistik und Großhandel

Trinks GmbH


kontaktierte Bewerber


vorgestellte Bewerber


erfolgreiche Einstellungen

ITL logistics GmbH

IT-Service- und Logistikdienstleister

ITL logistics GmbH


kontaktierte Bewerber


vorgestellte Bewerber


erfolgreiche Einstellungen

Hoyer Gaslog GmbH

Flüssiggas- und Energielogistik

Hoyer Gaslog GmbH


kontaktierte Bewerber


vorgestellte Bewerber


erfolgreiche Einstellungen

FES -Frankfurter Entsorgung und Service

Abfallwirtschaft und Stadtreinigung

FES -Frankfurter Entsorgung und Service


kontaktierte Bewerber


vorgestellte Bewerber


erfolgreiche Einstellungen

Our strategies for recruiting employees

Expand your team,
reduce your worries

Access to our pool of applicants with 120,000+ professionals

As a leading recruitment agency, our pool of applicants comprises 120,000 qualified candidates, whom we address directly and inspire them for their positions.

We use modern methods to find the best talents on the market

Traditional job portals only reach around 20% of the labor market. With Social Recruiting, Active sourcing and SEO-optimized job advertisements We advertise on the platforms where the best talent resides.

Pre-screening and verification of your candidates

We do the preparatory work for you. Our experienced recruiters conduct initial telephone interviews, check qualifications and ensure that you only select the best candidates for your final selection.erfahrenen Recruiter führen telefonische Erstgespräche, überprüfen die Qualifikationen und stellen sicher, dass Sie nur die besten Kandidaten für Ihre finale Auswahl treffen.

Um eine schnelle Kontaktaufnahme zu gewährleisten, unternehmen wir 3 bis 5 Anrufversuche innerhalb von 12 Stunden nach Bewerbungseingang – und das zwischen 8 und 20 Uhr.

Transparent evaluations for smart recruiting

Get key insights, such as costs per hire, through regular reports and dashboards. This allows you to plan cost-effectively and proactively and secure a competitive advantage.

All 3 mins

If a new applicant signs up with us


satisfied customers

16 federal states

Where we find candidates for your vacant positions


Talents in our Germany-wide community

Jobs that we can fill for you in

Logistics & Transportation

Truck Driver
warehouse employee
Production employee
Dispatch manager
+ several other occupations upon request
Lieber Fachkräfte einstellen als endlos inserieren.

Unsere Preismodelle

Egal welche Option – Sie erhalten einstellbare gewerbliche & technische Fachkräfte durch gezielte Jobanzeigen, telefonische Vorqualifizierung und starkes Employer Branding.

Recruiting as a Service
Fixbetrag - unbegrenzt Einstellungen zu einem Fixpreis
✅ Keine Einstellungsprovision – volle Kostenkontrolle ohne variable Gebühren.

✅ Unbegrenzte Einstellungen
– so viele Fachkräfte einstellen, wie benötigt.

✅ Planbare Fixkosten
– monatliche Pauschale statt schwankender Recruiting-Kosten.

➡️ Ideal für hohen Personalbedarf
– perfekt für Unternehmen, die mehrere Positionen gleichzeitig besetzen.
Erfolgsbasierte Vermittlungsprovision - Zahlung erst bei Einstellung
✅ Erfolgsbasierte Abrechnung – Kosten entstehen nur bei erfolgreicher Einstellung.

✅ Klassische Direktvermittlung
– wir finden die passenden Kandidaten für Ihre offenen Stellen.

✅ Kein Risiko
– zahlen nur, wenn die Vermittlung erfolgreich ist.

➡️ Ideal für Einzelbesetzungen
– perfekt, wenn gezielt einzelne Positionen besetzt werden sollen.
Enthaltene Leistungen:
1️⃣ Ein fester Ansprechpartner, der die Recruiting- und Marketing-Experten koordiniert und Maßnahmen kontinuierlich steuert und optimiert
✅ Telefonische Bewerberqualifizierung, inkl. Screening und Prüfung der Unterlagen und Anforderungen
✅ Direkter Bewerberkontakt, inkl. 3-5 Anrufversuchen zwischen 8 - 20 Uhr
✅ SEO-optimierte Stellenanzeigen auf Indeed, Kleinanzeigen und 50+ weiteren Kanälen
✅ Social Media Werbekampagnen auf Facebook, Instagram, TikTok & Co.
✅ Regelmäßige Reports zu Kosten, Zielgruppen und regionalen Gehaltsdaten
✅ Zugriff auf den größten Blue-Collar-Talentpool Deutschlands mit 120.000+ Fachkräften – inklusive einstellbarer Kandidaten in Ihrer Region

Lernen Sie unsere Dienstleistungen kennen!

After the free analysis, you will know how to hire skilled workers in just 7 days

With guaranteed results

Logistics & Transportation
Simple, reliable & personal

We love & live recruiting

“With our young company, we are once again making the HR world more personal, transparent and faster. Our team now comprises 25+ personalities who give 120% every day to take recruiting our customers to the next level. ”

Ali Soysüren

Founder & CEO of Simpleleads

Nico Hinz
“Everything went great. Very friendly and helpful staff. I am very satisfied, can only recommend it and will use it again and again if needed. I will definitely recommend you. Keep up the good work!”
Alan Rainer
“Quick and easy processing. The position was filled quickly. I'd love to go back.”
Markus N.
“Everything went great, good advice, it went as discussed.”
Isabelle Jürgens
“In addition to your social media and marketing performance expertise, I was particularly impressed by the intermediate convinced people to invest in sustainable recruiting.”
Peter D.
“Competent and friendly team. My boss was looking for 2 employees at short notice. We were able to fill both positions within 3 weeks. Highly recommended.”
Julius K.
“Quick processing, friendly contact, successful placement, even in structurally weak regions. We would love to come back anytime!”
Miriam K.
“The company works very reliably and professionally. The staff are very friendly, I can only recommend them.”
Anton G.
“The collaboration with SimpleLeads surprised us very positively. Our contact person was very friendly and competent. We received excellent advice and were able to quickly find a qualified replacement candidate.”

Frequently asked questions

Here you can find the answers to our most frequently asked questions.

Do you still have any unanswered questions? We would be happy to answer them. contact us
Dina Glücker
contact person
Hi, how would you like to contact us?