
New Work

New Work describes modern work concepts that are characterized by flexibility, personal responsibility and meaning.

The focus is on adapting to a changing working world in which digital technologies, flat hierarchies, home office and flexible working hours shape everyday working life. The aim of New Work is to shift the focus away from rigid structures towards more freedom and self-determination in the workplace so that employees can work more creatively and more happily.
A concept that is gaining in importance, particularly as a result of change in the digital economy.

The term “New Work” goes back to the social philosopher Frithjof Bergmann, who developed a vision of work that focuses on people back in the 1970s. In today's implementation, New Work often includes agile working methods, project-based work and the promotion of an open corporate culture. Companies that implement new work concepts often report higher employee satisfaction, increased productivity, and improved ability to innovate.

However, change also brings challenges, such as the need to develop new leadership skills and find a balance between flexibility and structure. The COVID-19 pandemic has further accelerated the importance and acceptance of new work approaches and prompted many companies to fundamentally rethink their working models.

New Work
Diana Tekue
Marketing Manager at Simplejobs | Recruiting Expert
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