

Recruitment is a specialized service process in which an agent, often a personnel service provider, places qualified applicants to companies that want to fill open positions.

The agent takes on various steps of the recruitment process, including the search for suitable candidates, the pre-selection and often also the support of candidates up to the final recruitment. This service makes it easier for companies to find the right employee without having to carry out a complex recruitment process themselves.

For companies, recruitment offers a particularly efficient way to save time and resources, as the pre-selection of applicants is already carried out by experienced recruiters. They have extensive networks and databases to search specifically for the best talent.
Recruitment also offers advantages for applicants: They receive job search assistance, access to exclusive job offers and are often individually prepared for suitable positions.

As a rule, a placement fee is charged for the recruitment service, which is normally paid by the employer. In some cases, particularly in the case of special or highly qualified positions, the employee may also have to pay a fee. This fee is usually dependent on success and is due when there is a successful placement and recruitment.

Recruitment is particularly suitable in industries with a high shortage of skilled workers or when looking for highly specialized talent, as the agent specifically identifies and places the best candidates. For companies and applicants, it can therefore provide valuable support in the often complex job market.

Diana Tekue
Marketing Manager at Simplejobs | Recruiting Expert
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