
Work reference

A Work reference Is a document issued by an employer at termination of the employment relationship.
It certifies the Duration and type of employment and evaluates the employee's performance and behavior in a qualified form. A benevolent job reference is required by law in Germany and is an important tool for future applications, as it gives potential employers an insight into the applicant's abilities and behavior.

There are two forms: That simple job reference which only contains information on the type and duration of employment and that qualified job reference with performance and behavioral assessment.

Employees have the right to request a job reference and to influence its content. It is important to understand the special “language of testimony,” as certain phrases have standardized meanings that go beyond the wording.

A qualified job reference usually contains information on Activity, performance appraisal, social behavior and a final formula. If there are discrepancies, employees can negotiate changes with their employer. It is advisable to request the certificate as soon as the employment relationship has ended and to check it carefully for completeness and positive wording.

Work reference
Diana Tekue
Marketing Manager at Simplejobs | Recruiting Expert
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