
Letter of termination

A letter of termination is a formal document by which either an employee or an employer officially terminates the employment relationship.

For it to be legally effective, it must meet certain requirements. This includes written form, an indication of the date of termination and compliance with the legally or contractually agreed notice period. It is particularly important that the letter is signed in person, as cancellation by e-mail or fax is usually not accepted.

A properly worded letter of termination provides clarity and avoids misunderstandings by setting out the exact date of withdrawal and all important modalities. In addition, it may be helpful to request proof of receipt of the notice, for example by means of a confirmation of receipt, in order to have legal certainty. It is also advisable for employees to keep an eye on possible consequences such as the blocking period for unemployment benefits and, if necessary, to contact the employment agency at an early stage.

Letter of termination
Diana Tekue
Marketing Manager at Simplejobs | Recruiting Expert
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