
Quiet Quitting

Quiet Quitting describes the trend in which employees only do the bare minimum to do their job without going beyond the contractually agreed obligations.

They don't go the extra mile and deliberately refrain from additional work, such as overtime or voluntary work, in order to achieve a better work-life balance. This approach is a silent rebellion against excessive work pressure and highlights the importance of mental health and personal wellbeing at work.
Quiet quitting does not mean dismissal, but rather compliance with the minimum professional requirements.

The term gained popularity particularly through social media such as TikTok and reflects growing dissatisfaction in the working world, particularly among younger generations. Critics see this as a potential threat to companies' productivity and innovative capacity, while advocates argue that it can lead to a healthier work culture and clearer expectations.

Quiet Quitting is a challenge for employers, as it is often difficult to recognize and the causes can be manifold — from burnout to lack of appreciation. It has sparked a broad discussion about work ethics, fair compensation and the need for a balanced corporate culture. Companies are increasingly responding with measures to improve the work environment and employee satisfaction to counteract this trend.

Quiet Quitting
Diana Tekue
Marketing Manager at Simplejobs | Recruiting Expert
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